Privacy Policy
The information we collect about individuals and how we process it is governed by the Data protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and is in line with 1125 C.I.C Data Protection Policy.
1) Changes to this Privacy Notice
The Privacy Policy must keep up to date with legislation, and service users kept informed of changes.
2) Why 1125 C.I.C collect data
1125 C.I.C collects data about individuals for the purpose of delivering inclusive workshops to young people aged 11 – 25 to provide a safe environment for the participants, combined with contact data for organisations that are interested in the service we provide. 1125 C.I.C treats basic data which identifies an individual as Personal Data. In some cases we require more specific data that is identified as Special Category Data due to the ‘risky behaviour’ workshops delivered. This data helps provide a safe environment for the participants through a ‘needs assessment’ and is required by funders and for insurance purposes.
3) Information that will be collected
The basic personal data collected will include name, address, phone number. In some cases we will ask Health questions and background information in order to provide a safe environment for individuals when attending our workshops and courses.
4) How the data will be stored
1125 C.I.C will be what’s known as the ‘Controller’ of the personal data you provide to us, this means we control what happens to the data in our possession. All the personal data we process is stored, using Google drive within the UK.
5) Sharing of information
No other 3rd parties have access to your personal data unless you specifically agree to this sharing of your data in advance. We always respect individual’s wishes if consent is not given to share information with exception to:
6) How Young people’s data will be collected and stored
1125 C.I.C have a Data Protection regime in place to oversee the effective and secure processing of your personal data. The information is collected and processed by:
a) Data will be collected when a young person / guardian signs up for the workshops. If the young person is aged 16 and below a guardian will complete the paperwork and can give consent for the young person to participate. The data to sign up for the workshops will be basic personal data and some specific special category data if relevant to the workshop subject matter. This information will be scanned into the online protected database and workshops will be tailored to meet the needs of the young people. Each individual / guardian will be informed that if at any point 1125 C.I.C workers have any concerns for the safety or welfare of the young person, or any other persons safety and welfare they would have to pass this information onto a third party (external agencies).
b) Workshops will be evaluated throughout the duration of delivering the project and individual achievements recorded and monitored for the purpose of funding regulations. This data will be stored online in a secure data base. The young people’s information will be stored for a minimum of 6 years. It may be kept longer if policy or law requires this but will be kept for no longer than necessary.
7) How Organisational data will be collected
Data will be collected when a client takes part in 1125 CIC online surveys that ask questions regarding what services are needed in the area and what topics young needs. When taking part in the survey the participant is not asked for personal data and a name is not required. The data is collected through Smart Survey and is complaint with GDPR.
8) How Log files will be collected when people visit the website
When the website is visited 1125 C.I.C collect web statistics concerning the visit, which is stored in a log file. Log files allow 1125 C.I.C to record visitors’ use of the site. The web teams use Google Analytics to record visitors’ use of the site and use this information to make changes to the layout of the website and to the information in it. Log files do not contain any personal information and they are not used to identify any individual patterns of use of the site.
9) How data can be accessed
Data can be requested by email for 1125 director and must be responded to within 40 days of the inquiry.
10) Comply with 1125 C.I.C privacy statement
This statement is available online on complies with GDPR
11) Data Protection officer
Data Protection Officer is Lindsay Apsley: